International Translator

Monday, November 3, 2014

⭐️⭐️Rules of Rhea⭐️⭐️

Currently, the leading alliance (FURY) has implemented a set of rules that they will enforce throughout Rhea. The current rules are as follows:

1.) The one who marches on a resource tile first gets the tile. You must recall your march of you were not in route first.

2.) All resource tiles above level 2 must be cleared in 1 march.

3.) There is to be no farming of resource tiles within the forest by anyone who is not a member of FURY

4.) There is to be no attacks on resource tiles outside of a Kill Event (Fury sponsored or MZ sponsored)

5.) There is a weekly food day of 24 hours (see food day rules blog). This requires that there is to be no farming of Stone, Wood, and Silver tiles between levels 4-6 starting Thursday 1:00 UTC (check time zone map at the bottom of the blog for specific times)

6.) No Strongholds, Hives, or Farming within 10 tiles of the forest except for members of FURY.

7.) FURY sponsored Kill Events are scheduled each week during the Alliance Event timer starting at 
1:00 UTC on Sunday's (check time zone map at the bottom of the blog for specific times)This only takes place if there was not a MZ sponsored Kill Event beforehand.

8.) Any and all heroes can be executed.

All of these rules are upheld and enforced by the leading Alliances of the Kingdom of Rhea. Failure o follow these rules will result in attacks on your Stronghold and possibly your Alliance of repeat offenders are not dealt wth by their leaders. It will be the responsibility of the Leader and Rank 4 members of each alliance to enforce these rules to their members.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

⭐️⭐️Tips and strategies for beginners⭐️⭐️

Hey everyone!

Here are a few useful tips for beginners to help boost your power quickly.

1.) Do not level you stronghold past level 5 until you have teleported to the location that you want to be for awhile. You have a free teleport in your items that is only good before you grow passed stronghold level 5.

2.) Look for an Alliance to join while you are growing. Rhea has several Alliances dedicated to training new members and helping them to learn the game.

3.) Follow the instructions and read the messages that appear during the first part of the game. The game tells you everything you need to know at the beginning. If you just click through these, you will miss important information that you will end up asking others about later.

4.) Click the "plus" tab (a plus sign on the bottom right of your screen)
-register your account under "Accounts and Devices" so that you can log in from other devices as well as not losing your account by upgrading or changing phones.
-read anything about the game under "How to Play" where it will give you categorized information regarding anything you could want to know pertaining to Game of War.
-follow the developers blogs under "Blogs" to read about upcoming events, new kingdom themes, coupon codes (FREE STUFF!!) and other news that the developers want you to know.
-click the "Make Corrections" button to help the developers to improve the game's translators by correcting messages that may have translated improperly. This awards you with loyalty points that can be spent in the alliance store.
-you can also find the "Casino" in the plus tab.

5.) POWER BOOST- As soon as you can do this and before you build any of your buildings up to a significant level, make sure that you have all of your spaces fr buildings open;
- build 10 farms, delete 7 of them
- build 10 quarries, delete 7 of them
- build 10 wood shops, delete 7 of them
- build 10 mines, delete 7 of them
(You can build more of them back when you decide what resource strategy you want to employ.)
-build 10 villas, delete 7 of them
-build 10 hospitals, delete 7 of them
- build 10 barracks, delete 7 of them
Doing this process of building and deleting building will complete a series of higher level quests to build 10 of a building which will award you with a great starter set of resources, a lot of experience, and about 70,000 power that can be done at stronghold level 1.

6.) Anytime you see the little red box on the bottom right pop up, click it and "help" all of the help requests every chance you get. When we fill the help meter, we get funds and loyalty to buy things in the alliance store.

7.) When you are raiding resources for a resource tile, completely deplete them to zero when they get low. If they get left with just a few thousand resources, new resource tiles will not appear there.

8.) Once your stronghold is level 9, finish as much research and upgrading as you can. Once you get to level 10, your hero can be captured and killed which will make your  army and most of your stats much weaker. 
(This is only as suggestion but staying on top your research is very important)

9.) You can set a rally for 8 hours to protect your troops while you're away. This is what is called a "Fake Rally". Make sure you set the rally for a low level alliance that is far enough away to add another hour or so in marching time in case you can't log back in the 8 hours.

⭐️⭐️Game of War Acronyms⭐️⭐️

Hey everyone,

If you are newer to the game, you may see others using acronyms (letters to represent sequences of words (example CIA = Central Intelligence Agency)). Here is a list of a few acronyms and what they are in the game.

Kc= kingdom chat, referring to the default chat room that all members of Rhea can chat in.
Ac= alliance chat, referring to the default chatroom for the alliance that you are in or that you join.
Ke= kill event, referring to a special kingdom event that occurs occasionally where the objectve is to attack whoever you can and hospitalize or kill the most troops that you can.
Kvk= kingdom versus kingdom event, referring to a more taste event where the objective is to compete as a kingdom against the other kingdoms in the game. These can be kill events, monster events, or actual events pitting our kingdom's players against the other kingdoms' players where everyone can attack across kingdom boundaries.
Rl= real life, referring to things outside of the Game of War. 😁

⭐️⭐️Useful Website for Learning New Strategies⭐️⭐️

Here is a useful site for anyone wanting to learn more about good strategies.

You can just google this site if you want. This site will tell you a lot of great strategies for this game. THEY ARE NOT CHEATS and if you're wondering, any cheats or hacks are mostly likely just spam and viruses but this is a list of tips for gameplays

⭐️⭐️Tips for resource production⭐️⭐️

**Alliance Message**

Resource production strategies:

There are three different strategies for resources production. Each one is effective if done properly.
1.) High Food Production: this method is to allocate resource buildings to have 1-2 of each resource except food. Make all other buildings farms. Great for producing large standing armies. Resource tiles can be looted for extra resources 

2.) Mid Food Production: this method is to build about 10 farms and balance the other resource buildings. This is the most used method. Usually all resources will be stocked up pretty well but takes a little longer to replenish food to rebuild your troops.

3.) Low Food Production: this method is to build 1-2 farms and the rest balanced. This will create surpluses that can be shared. Remember, if you have a massive army and run out of food, your army will remain and not die. This method will require you to use resource tiles to get food for building troops.

⭐️⭐️Tips for VIP level 7 and higher⭐️⭐️

Hey everyone!! 

If you are VIP lvl 7 or greater, do this to level your hero much faster
VIP7=autocomplete daily quests
VIP8=autocomplete alliance quests

1.) Buy or obtain a 30minute VIP activation and use it.
2.) Use your loyalty points to buy as many daily chances as you can (we keep these stocked for this in the alliance store)
3.) Autocomplete the quests and use a chance and repeat until they're all gone.

Doing this will reward you with tons of experience, materials, and gems.

You can do the same with alliance quests.


Tips for traps and troops production.

Hey guys! 

If you are unsure, here are a few pointers for producing effective traps and troops. 

1.) Traps and troops are ranked by tier. Tier1 is the weakest, Tier4 is the strongest.

2.) Tier2 should replace your tier1. Consider each tier as replacements for the previous tier.

3.) T2 is always going to beat T1. T4 will always beat T1, T2, and T3 troops and traps.

4.) Strategic troops and traps are specialized for a certain type of troop. Read the strength and weakness of each type to see what they're for. Strategics are strong against 1 type of troop but weak against everything else. 

5.) Your scouting ability will eventually give you troop size, tier, and type. Then it's useful to utilize your strategic troops. Until then, just focus on researching the regular troops and traps.