Currently, the leading alliance (FURY) has implemented a set of rules that they will enforce throughout Rhea. The current rules are as follows:
1.) The one who marches on a resource tile first gets the tile. You must recall your march of you were not in route first.
2.) All resource tiles above level 2 must be cleared in 1 march.
3.) There is to be no farming of resource tiles within the forest by anyone who is not a member of FURY
4.) There is to be no attacks on resource tiles outside of a Kill Event (Fury sponsored or MZ sponsored)
5.) There is a weekly food day of 24 hours (see food day rules blog). This requires that there is to be no farming of Stone, Wood, and Silver tiles between levels 4-6 starting Thursday 1:00 UTC (check time zone map at the bottom of the blog for specific times)
6.) No Strongholds, Hives, or Farming within 10 tiles of the forest except for members of FURY.
7.) FURY sponsored Kill Events are scheduled each week during the Alliance Event timer starting at 1:00 UTC on Sunday's (check time zone map at the bottom of the blog for specific times)This only takes place if there was not a MZ sponsored Kill Event beforehand.
8.) Any and all heroes can be executed.
All of these rules are upheld and enforced by the leading Alliances of the Kingdom of Rhea. Failure o follow these rules will result in attacks on your Stronghold and possibly your Alliance of repeat offenders are not dealt wth by their leaders. It will be the responsibility of the Leader and Rank 4 members of each alliance to enforce these rules to their members.